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Bukit Dahlia

Bukit Dahlia is our first branch and established in 2019. We started with only 15 students enrolled in Bright Hill Islamic Montessori School and recently she has estimated about 700 students. 

Montessori Room

This is where the pre-schoolers will explore their handful skills. Each branch has their own unique Montessori Room. This room is located at Bright Hill, Bukit Dahlia


We highlighted 12 pre-schoolers each class. We also prioritize the ambient of the classroom. Study has found that ambient when studying and teaching is one of the catalyst of concentration on individuals.

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All the facilities including an indoor playground are thoughtfully planned within this 14,000 square feet space. The rooms in the kindergarten are spacious, well-lit and neatly arranged with engaging learning materials. The indoor playground ensures that the children can enjoy a weather-proof playtime at any time of the year

With more than 30 years of experience in early childhood education and success stories of children all across Malaysia, Bright Hill Islamic Montessori School has gained trust and recognition of both Malaysian and expatriate parents.

Even after 100 years of its creation, the Montessori curriculum is still relevant and well-acclaimed, making it one of the most popular approaches to early childhood education all across the world. It offers a nurturing, non-competitive and harmonious environment to promote the physical, emotional, social and cognitive abilities of the child and above all, inculcate a lifelong love of learning.

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